Independent Employment Investigations
Nora Bartley

Nora Bartley Independent Employment Investigations is a specialist consultancy with an established national reputation, especially for cases that are complex, sensitive or high profile.

About Me

My reputation derives from extensive experience, unstinting commitment to objectivity and the resilience to lead and drive investigations to a conclusion even in challenging circumstances. 

Following twenty years’ experience in human resource management and corporate governance roles in the NHS I have worked independently for over fifteen years in delivering independent employment investigations, largely but not exclusively in the NHS. Over the years I have developed an excellent working knowledge of UK employment law, NHS employment terms and NHS governance frameworks. This has enabled me to understand the full breadth of the investigation landscape and to bring a report that will be helpful in a wider risk management context.


I have undertaken twenty-one investigations into a range of both statutory and contractual breaches, including – discipline, grievance, equality, detriment arising from whistleblowing, bullying, harassment, TUPE, redundancy and unfair dismissal.

All my investigation reports have been accepted unchallenged by the employer. Two cases were subsequently considered at Employment Tribunal and were unchallenged in that forum. I understand that the investigation process can be difficult and sometimes daunting for those involved. Part of my success in investigations has been, I am sure, the ability to set an investigatory climate in which people feel able to engage as fully as possible in the process, despite the difficulties that may be present.

Why Consider an External Investigation?

There will be times when employers are content to undertake investigations into employment matters in-house. This, of course, will be perfectly satisfactory in many cases.

However, there will also be occasions where it may be helpful to engage an external investigator, for example: –

  • where the matters are particularly serious or complex, and organisational resources may be unduly stretched
  • where it has become difficult to support the individuals in the process whilst also dealing managerially and professionally with the investigation
  • where there is a risk that objectivity may be compromised by organisational relationships, loyalties or blind spots
  • where an impasse has been reached and a fresh view of the situation may relieve the strain and help to move matters forward.

“Over the years we have recommended Nora to our clients who are looking for an experienced and skilful external investigator. Her clarity of focus and thorough investigation reports have enabled our clients to move matters forward with confidence. We would not hesitate to recommend her again.”
Leading UK Employment Law Firm.

“I was unable to find any evidence of unfairness, inadequate reasoning, findings unsupported by evidence, bias or procedural irregularity such as to render the findings of the Investigation Report unsafe. Quite the reverse”.  Senior Counsel.

“Ms. Bartley carried out a full and detailed investigation of the claimant’s grievance and there are no issues in the case concerning the investigation.” Employment Tribunal Judgement.

Contact for a discussion or further information

Nora Bartley Independent Employment Investigations